General Faqs

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you place people in full time, permanent jobs?

    No, we are not a placement agency. Backerlabs Technologies Inc. offers a wide range of search and direct hire services within each of our specialty divisions.

  • How can I apply for a job opening?

    As you have searched the current job listings and have found a job that interests you, click on the View Job button in order to view the full description of it. After that, click on the ‘Apply Now’ icon on the job description page. Next, the application form will appear on your screen. Here, you can fill out the required information to submit your online job application.

  • How can I search for jobs?

    You can search for jobs using the job category that we had provided or you can directly visit the Latest Jobs section. Here at the Latest Jobs section, we have various job openings that will match your skillset.

  • Will I definitely hear back from a recruiter?

    Unfortunately, we cannot provide feedback on any of the job application. Here, the recruiter will directly call you in case they find out that if you are the right fit for the job post. However, you can also directly call the recruiter once you have applied for that particular job opening.

  • Can I apply for multiple job positions at once? Can you help me with this?

    Absolutely! Depending on the plan that you have chosen, you can apply for multiple positions at the same time. Just browse through the list of available openings and we will match with the recruiter.

  • What are the benefits of availing the services of Backerlabs Technologies Inc.?

    At Backerlabs Technologies Inc., we always guide our candidates to the right job opening so that they can easily apply for their required job post. Moreover, our unique approach, technology, deep expertise, and robust resources help to empower our ability to connect you with the best hiring managers so that you can be a great fit for the position that you are looking for. You can also learn more about Backerlabs Technologies Inc. here.

  • I have never used any hiring skill platform before. How does it work?

    Our experts will show you results for job openings that you are looking for. So, whether you need help from one person or an entire team, we can connect you with highly skilled professionals who are having a wide array of experience. On the other hand, you can simply browse the current job opportunities to quickly find the right job role opening for your talent. Additionally, you can simply sign up with us and make your job search process simple and painless.

  • Where are you located?

    We are currently located in the US and Backerlabs Technologies Inc. can provide you with assistance wherever and whenever you need it.

  • Do I have to pay for any service?

    Yes, there are different fees for different kinds of service, but the overall rate is typically cost-effective for you. With our services, you can easily save time as our staffing experts are always ready to help you at every step.